Question: Will Fraxel Laser give relief from deep eye wrinkles?

By: Dr. Russell W. Kridel


Wrinkles around the eye area are one of the most common patient concerns in facial rejuvenation. The depth and extent of the wrinkles can vary and as a result, the treatment options can vary as well. When a physician uses any kind of laser, it (the laser) doesn't automatically know what to do. Therefore, the doctor doing the procedure has to decide on what laser settings and how many passes over the treatment area to use. Extensive training, experience, and skill are all important when you consider any type of laser treatment. However, there are also other variables in addition to the technical skill involved. There are also variables in the type and strength of lasers. Exquisite care must be used to avoid injury to the eye itself. The Fraxel Dual (also known as Fraxel Re:Store Dual laser) is on the low side for obtaining wrinkle reduction in the eye area, as well as the face. A fractionated CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser is one step up (made by many companies) and then there is the fully ablative CO2 laser. All of these lasers have been shown to be effective. However, the rule of thumb is that the stronger the laser, the better the results in most cases, but the longer the recovery. The regular Fraxel requires a series of sessions, whereas Fractional and Full CO2 can be done in one session. Chemical peels are another treatment that can also be done and vary in strength and results depending on the chemicals used, their concentration and the skill of the physician.

--- Dr. Kridel, Houston, TX

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.