Texas Medical Association Launch Of New Physician Services Group

By: Dr. Russell W. Kridel


Dr. Russell Kridel was quoted in the May 23, 2013 issue of the Houston Business Journal about the recent launch by the Texas Medical Association (TMA) of the Physicians Services Organization for Patient Care. In the article, Dr. Kridel stated, "The Physician Services Organization for Patient Care will provide services to help physicians navigate the changing health care delivery system. The best use of a physician's time is in directly taking care of the patient one-on-one, not in dealing with red tape, reporting measures and compliance regulations.” As the President of the Harris County Medical Society, Dr. Kridel helped lead the group to team up with the TMA Association as a key member of the new physician organization designed to provide doctors with the tools to perform better and more efficient patient care. For example, one service of the Physicians Services Organization for Patient Care might help physicians comb through their data to identify chronically ill patients who need extra help to stay as healthy as possible and stay out of the hospital. Another might align primary care physicians and specialists to better coordinate the care they provide to their common patients. Dr. Kridel was also featured in the Houston Business Journal earlier in 2013 to discuss ways to address the rising health care costs. Check out Dr. Kridel’s blogs on topics relating to current health care issues: Dr. Kridel on Health blog and Science and Your Health blog.

--- Kirin, Facial Plastic Surgery Associates

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