Primary Rhinoplasty with hump reduction and tip rotation in Houston, Texas.
- Age30 - 39
- Septoplasty
- Turbinate Reduction
- Rhinoplasty
- Nose Reshaping
- Nose Surgery
- Inferior Turbinate Reduction
- Best Rhinoplasty Doc
- Best Rhinoplasty Doc in Texas
- Turbinate Surgery
- Open Rhinoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Nasal surgery
- Nose job
- Turbinate reduction
- Primary Rhinoplasty
- SeptoRhinoplasty
- tip rhinoplasty
- Tip Shaping
- Hump reduction
- Rhinoplasty
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This patient had a crooked nose and deviated septum that made breathing through her nose difficult. She had wanted to have rhinoplasty for a long time to reduce her hump and to rotate her nasal tip upward. She underwent a combined rhinoplasty and septoplasty surgery to improve her breathing and change her nasal appearance.