Primary Rhinoplasty to refine nasal tip and nostrils
- Age30 - 39
- Ethnic Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty
- Nose Reshaping
- Nose Surgery
- Best Rhinoplasty Doc
- Best Rhinoplasty Doc in Texas
- Hispanic Rhinoplasty
- Open Rhinoplasty
- Nasal surgery
- Nose job
- Primary Rhinoplasty
- Ethnic Rhinoplasty
- Revision Rhinoplasty Specialis
- tip rhinoplasty
- Tip Shaping
- Hump reduction
- Rhinoplasty
- Septal harvest for graft
- Alar base reduction
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This handsome patient underwent primary ethnic rhinoplasty with board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Delaney, in Houston, TX. The patient wanted more tip definition, tip elevation and narrower nostrils. The nasal tip skin was thinned and septal cartilage was harvested to use for grafting to improve the contour and definition of the nose.