Revision Rhinoplasty and Buccal Fat Reduction
- Age18 - 29
- Buccal Fat Removal
- Septoplasty
- Turbinate Reduction
- Revision Rhinoplasty
- Nose Reshaping
- Nose Surgery
- Turbinates
- Best Rhinoplasty Doc
- Best Rhinoplasty Doc in Texas
- Open Rhinoplasty
- Revision septoplasty
- Secondary rhinoplasty
- Septoplasty
- Nasal surgery
- Nose job
- Turbinate reduction
- Hump reduction
- Bump on nose
- Difficulty breathing
- Rhinoplasty
- deviated septum
- buccal fat
- buccal fat reduction
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This patient was bothered by the size and irregularities of her nose despite a previously rhinoplasty by another surgeon. She also wanted to address her lower cheek fullness. A revision rhinoplasty and buccal fat reduction was performed to make her nose smaller, set the nasal tip back, smoothen the nasal contours, and reduce her lower face cheek fullness.