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in Houston, TX

Houston facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Russell Kridel is an expert in facial rejuvenation treatments, including non-invasive Dysport® treatments. At FPSA, our physician designs and perform Dysport® treatments tailored to the individual’s aesthetic goals. In the hands of this skilled specialist, Dysport® can eliminate the fine lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows and along the forehead, as well as crow’s feet, laugh lines and re-shape eyebrows to give patients a more vibrant and youthful look.

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About Dysport®

Dysport® is also an FDA-approved wrinkle relaxer just like BOTOX® Cosmetic. The chemical formula is just slightly different. Also known as a neurotoxin (or neuromodulator), Dysport® decreases the visual appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in areas on the face that show expression, such as the forehead, vertical frown lines between the eyebrows and crow’s feet. Dr. Kridel also uses Dysport® to shape eyebrows. It can also help relieve medical issues such as, excessive sweating and migraine headaches. Once injected, the medication causes the underlying muscles to relax with a localized reduction of the muscle activity in the injected area. The result creates a smoother surface and more youthful appearance.

What Sets Us Apart

At FPSA, your Dysport® treatments are performed by board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Russell Kridel, or a registered nurse under the direct supervision of our surgeon. This provides patients with the peace of mind that they are in the hands of a physician who focuses solely on the face and neck and the procedure is done in the safety and comfort of a medical office environment. In addition, Dr. Kridel makes sure patients are comfortable and experience very little discomfort during their treatment session, so patients can be given numbing cream or a dental block if they desire. At FPSA, Dr. Kridel takes facial injections quite seriously and believe it is important for patients to have highly skilled and trained hands that can tailor injections to your specific needs with greater finesse, rather than a one size fits all approach at many medical spas.

Administering Dysport®

Dysport® is administered by Dr. Kridel during an in-office appointment that typically takes about 30-45 minutes. The depth, length, quantity, and location of wrinkles vary for each patient. Therefore, the injection treatment, including the dosage and injection location, is tailored specifically to your facial structure and aesthetic goals. Dr. Kridel will mark the specific areas on the face that are going to be treated with a washable marker. There is no downtime and patients can return home or to work after their appointment.

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What To Expect

Immediately following a series of Dysport® injections, there may be some mild swelling and redness at the injection site. This will subside a few hours after the procedure. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for a few hours.  It typically takes 4-7 days for Dysport® to take effect after treatment. Dysport® typically acts faster than BOTOX® Cosmetic because it generally spreads farther from the injection site. The result is wrinkles will cease to appear and skin appears smooth and soft.

Expected Costs

Treatment costs vary for each patient depending on how much Dysport® is used. For men, it may take a larger dose to achieve the desired effect. A treatment session typically takes 1-3 syringes, with costs ranging between $360 – $800 per session.


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Dysport® and BOTOX® Cosmetic can be used interchangeably. Both Dysport® and BOTOX® Cosmetic are FDA-approved, safe and effective for facial wrinkles, and are widely available. Dr. Kridel can discuss both options at your consultation.

Wrinkle relaxers, like BOTOX® Cosmetic and Dysport®, temporarily freeze the underlying muscle. They do not fill in any lines and are more effective at removing wrinkles in the upper third of the face. Conversely, injectable fillers such as, Restylane®, Juvederm® and Perlane®, are not wrinkle relaxers. Fillers help decrease wrinkles by adding volume to certain facial structures, which creates the appearance of smooth skin. Fillers are more effective in the bottom 2/3rds of the face. During your consultation, Dr. Kridel will do a thorough examination and discuss your aesthetic goals. he will design a treatment plan specific to your needs which may include wrinkle relaxers, wrinkle fillers or a combination of both.

Dysport® is not a permanent fix. Results will last for three to six months – sometimes longer – but they will not last forever. To maintain the youthful effects, patients have repeat injections as soon as they see signs that frown lines or wrinkles are returning, normally about 2 to 3 times a year.

Dysport® is approved by the FDA and has a long, safe history. Along with BOTOX® Cosmetic, it is a very popular non-surgical cosmetic procedure. However, even with its popularity, Dysport® is a drug and should only be administered by a qualified medical practitioner. BOTOX® Cosmetic is not recommended for patients with some medical conditions. You should review these with the physician at the time of your consultation.

BOTOX® Cosmetic is similar to Dysport® and is also considered a wrinkle relaxer. Since the chemical balance is just slightly different between Dysport® and BOTOX® Cosmetic, patients can react differently. One may be more effective than another depending on the patient. Plus, patients can develop a tolerance to one specific brand over time and can switch to another neurotoxin brand option.

Men and women who wish to soften and decrease facial lines and wrinkles may be candidates for Dysport®. The most common age to receive Dysport® injections is between 34-55. However, many patients in their late twenties and early thirties, have Dysport® injections at the early signs of aging to help timeshift the aging process. There are also a wide range of patients over the age of 55 who effectively use Dysport® to reduce the signs of aging and better match their youthful spirit.

Fully Accredited

On-Site Surgical Facility

Dr, Sean Delaney, Dr. Russell Kridel and Team FPSA provide patients with an exceptional surgical experience at our AAAHC accredited on-site operating facility. Our patients enjoy the comfort, ease and convenience of having surgical and medical aesthetic procedures in our beautiful practice environment. Facial Plastic Surgery Associates’ operating room has been certified by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). Accreditation by this highly regarded, independent organization ensures that our in-office operating room meets the highest quality of standards and safety. This accreditation is similar to the process completed for out-patient surgical facilities associated with hospital systems.

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