Dr. Kridel shares importance of Investing in Prevention

By: Dr. Russell W. Kridel


We all need to invest in healthcare prevention

Three old American sayings capture the interconnections among personal responsibility, preventive medicine, and health care costs. Consider 'You are what you eat,' and 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,' and 'A penny saved is a penny earned'.

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If we as individuals take better care of ourselves --- if we as a society take better care of ourselves --- we’ll be not only healthier but also wealthier in the long run. Every Texan needs to have more skin in the health care game, especially those who have too much skin and fat already. We can no longer blow smoke at proven ways to stop people from smoking and exposing others to their secondhand smoke. We need a shot in the arm to stop the spread of deadly, contagious diseases. A healthy and wealthy Texas depends on a sound health care system with robust medical care and effective public health components... All in all, a stitch in time does indeed save nine." ---Taken from TMA's Healthy Vision 2020, Invest in Prevention, Section 5 Healthy Vision 2020 is the the roadmap for the Texas Medical Association initiatives through 2020. If you would like a complete copy of Healthy Vision 2020 click here

--- Dr. Russell Kridel, Facial Plastic Surgery Associates, Houston, TX

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