Dr. Kridel Often Performs Revision Rhinoplasty to Correct Breathing Difficulties

By: Dr. Russell W. Kridel


Dr. Russell Kridel often does Revision Rhinoplasty to correct a dysfunctional airway --- in other words, the person can't breathe well. This can result from a problem that existed prior to your first surgery (known as Primary Rhinoplasty or Nose Job). Or if the nasal airway was changed during your previous surgery by another physician, you may now be having trouble breathing through your nose, especially if your nose was made smaller or if you experienced a post-operative drooping of the tip of your nose.

As a result, you may now need correction of a deviated or crooked septum (the partition between the nostrils), and trimming of your turbinates may be required (turbinates are structures deep inside the nose on the sides which warm and humidify the air going through your nose). Although you may have already had surgery on your septum, a revision septoplasty may be necessary to improve your breathing. Furthermore, you may need a graft to re-support the tip of your nose. Revision rhinoplasty is a significantly more difficult procedure because scar tissue has formed and often some of the structures inside the nose may have been altered or removed. However, following successful revision rhinoplasty surgery with Dr. Kridel, patients are ecstatic that they can breathe again. Dr. Kridel is a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Houston. He is board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. This dual training is very significant in nasal revisions, because the revision rhinoplasty procedure is a classic combination of both functional and aesthetic surgery. Dr. Kridel performs more than 50 revision rhinoplasties each year and has written over 20 scientific papers and textbook chapters on Revision Rhinoplasty and has been invited by physicians all around the world to speak at medical conferences.

Check out some of Dr. Kridel's before and after photos.

--- Kirin, Facial Plastic Surgery Associates

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.