Many patients wait until later in life to have plastic surgery to have facial rejuvenation procedures to address multiple concerns that make a person look older. This patient was concerned about her sagging jowls, bags under her eyes, wrinkles around her mouth and wrinkles in her forehead area. Fortunately, multiple facial plastic procedures can be done by Dr. Kridel at one time. In this case the patient had an MVP Lift, browlift, lower blepharoplasty, and CO2 laser around her mouth to get rid of all the fine lines. Wrinkles around the mouth is common with patients with a history of smoking. She also had submental liposuction which removes excess fat under the chin.
65 yr old turns back time after multiple facial plastic procedures
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65 yr old Houston area female wanted facial rejuvenation to address multiple concerns like sagging jowls, neck and lower eyelids, and wrinkles on forehead, cheeks and around her mouth. She looks much younger following facelift, browlift,lower blepharoplasty and CO2 laser around her mouth.