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Tech Neck Can Be Relieved

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October 14, 2014 | Facelift, Tech Neck
6 minute read

Our beloved smartphones and tablets might be to blame for some of the extra wrinkles you see in the mirror. Often called “tech neck,” or “text neck”, this condition occurs as a result of frequently looking up and down at these devices. The movement and the position causes creases, double chins, and wrinkles to form on the lower face and neck. Clearly, we are not going to give up our tech devices. So, what can we do to maintain our youthful appearance? Fortunately, there are surgical and non-surgical solutions depending on an individual’s needs.


Tech neck is a condition involving loose skin, lines and wrinkles, skin folds, and a double chin. This phenomenon is starting to spread as more and more people discover that their addiction to technology is taking its toll. Newly formed double chins, neck creases, and jawline folds have all begun as a result of frequently bending over your smartphone or tablet. The position is much different from that used at a laptop or desktop computer, since the screens are flat and often lying on a surface below eye level. Reading your tablet on the surface of a desk requires a unique positioning of your face and neck. If you spend a lot of time in this position, you’ve probably started to notice some new creases here and there. Think of a piece of paper that you had folded in half in your pocket for awhile, then open it up and flatten it out. The paper is flat, but the line is still there. This is similar to people who do texting and do repetitive looking down. The concept is that by moving the neck forward and back, and forward and back you’re again causing those wrinkles by scrunching up the skin. Take a look at someone who is staring down at a smartphone or Ipad in their hand and observe how the skin and tissues react in this position. Certainly, the biggest culprit for skin damage remains the sun. In addition, the aging process, as well as your genetic makeup also factor in heavily for loose skin and jowling. Then add to the mix, the tech neck phenomenon and you may feel like you are looking older faster than you would like.


Looking ahead, you might try to make an effort to read your smartphone and tablet screens when they are at eye-level or elevated above you, but even that won’t erase those creases, loose skin and wrinkles that are already there.


For individuals who have more significant loose skin, wrinkles and jowling in the face and neck area, facelift surgery will add smoothness and tautness to the skin, remove a double chin and create a more youthful profile. It is important to understand that a true facelift performed by a facial plastic surgery specialist is actually a face and neck lift combined, to give you the greatest benefit. With the MVP Lift technique used by Dr. Russell Kridel, you will regain your youthful appearance. His results are known for being natural, so you will look like a younger you, not a different you. Patients don’t need to wait until their late 50’s or 60’s for a facelift. Many patients, from their late 30’s and 40’s, have a facelift, which will permanently shift back the hands of time by ten to fifteen years. Obviously, a facelift doesn’t completely stop the aging process, but you will have accomplished a virtual time shift. Read more about Dr. Kridel’s special MVP Lift technique. In a nutshell, tech neck symptoms will be banished by an MVP Lift, leaving you with the clean slate you need to help you change your screen-reading habits.


For patients who are seeing the early signs of aging, as well as tech neck, may not want, need or have time for the downtime associated with facelift surgery. Ulthera, also known as Ultherapy, skin tightening treatment is a superb option for you. Ulthera was first of its kind to be cleared by the FDA for non-invasive lifting of the eyebrow, neck and under the chin. It is now also FDA approved to improve décolletage lines and wrinkles as well. The Ulthera procedure stimulates collagen production by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s foundational layer typically addressed in cosmetic surgery without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin. Like all treatments, results can vary from patient to patient. However, with just a single Ulthera treatment, the regenerative process has begun. Some patients express some immediate results, but the full effect will build gradually over the course of 2-3 months. Patients like the gradual, natural change that occurs over time and remark that their friends and co-workers don’t know that they have had anything done; just that they look more refreshed. Ulthera helps slow down the aging process, with results lasting an average of 12-18 months.


Every person and every face and neck is different. So, it is imperative that you seek out a facial plastic surgeon. Facial plastic surgeons, such as Dr. Russell Kridel and Dr. Angela Sturm, focus exclusively on the face and neck. No boobs. No butts. They believe patients should trust their face to a specialist in this area because the anatomy from the neck and up is far more complicated. So, the first step is to make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Kridel or Dr. Sturm. They are extremely thorough and will provide you with a facial rejuvenation plan specific to you. Not one size fits all. Consultations with our surgeons are extremely thorough, so you will need to plan on being with us for about two hours.


Dr. Russell Kridel is known as “The Doctor’s Doctor.” He has authored over 100 scientific journal articles and textbook chapters on facial rejuvenation surgery. As a recognized expert in facial plastic procedures, Dr. Kridel is frequently invited to share his specific techniques with his peers at plastic surgery meetings around the world. Patients and physicians refer themselves and their own family members and friends because of his surgical expertise and international reputation as one of the best facial plastic surgeons in the country. Dr. Sturm trained with Dr. Kridel and has also been recognized for her surgical skill by patients and peers, having also been named to numerous Top Doc lists.

— Kirin, Facial Plastic Surgery Associates

To make an appointment with Dr. Kridel or Dr. Sturm for an MVP Facelift or Ulthera consultation, please call 713/526-5665.

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