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How to repair a perforated nasal septum

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January 19, 2015 | Nasal projection
3 minute read

Septal Perforation Repair Explained: Repair of a septal perforation, also known as a perforated septum, is considered one of the most technically challenging nasal surgeries. Since a septal perforation is a three-layered hole in all three tissue layers of the septum, repair of septal perforations must address reconstructing all of these three layers to achieve the greatest success.

Success of a repair should be based not only on the closure of the perforation, but also restoration of the physiological function of the nasal septum. In other words, in addition to making sure the hole is closed and you are symptom-free, the surgeon should also make sure that you can breathe normally once again. In general, techniques which utilize extensively mobilized, bilateral, intranasal mucosal advancement flaps and interposition and anchoring of a connective tissue-type graft have the most success. For the majority of septal perforation repair surgeries, Houston nasal surgery specialist, Dr. Russell Kridel utilizes an open rhinoplasty approach rather than a closed approach. An external rhinoplasty approach allows Dr. Kridel to gain greater access to the septum where the perforation resides. Not only does this approach have a proven high success rate in restoring normal nasal function and physiology it also has the advantage of allowing Dr. Kridel to combine rhinoplasty surgery at the same time. Many patients desire cosmetic improvement of their nose as well as the functional repair. Dr. Kridel is regarded within the medical community as THE EXPERT in septal perforation repair. He has pioneered and refined surgical techniques that have proven to be effective in closure of septal perforations, with a 99% success rate. His techniques are considered the gold standard among surgeons around the world. Dr. Kridel has published more than 60 scientific journal articles and textbook chapters on Rhinoplasty techniques, with more than 15 specifically on the subject of septal perforation repair. No other nasal surgery specialist currently active in private practice in the U.S. has published as many scientific papers on perforated septum repair as Dr. Kridel. Other methods of repairing a perforation can involve the use of other materials such as skin grafts or grafts from inside the mouth that have been transferred up to this area. The problem with skin grafts or grafts from the mouth, or totally free grafts, is that these grafts do not fill the hole with the same kind of normal lining tissue of the nose. Skin grafts in the nose tend to shed and crust continuously. Free grafts sometimes fail and die in the nose leaving you with the original perforation or a worse problem. Grafts from inside the mouth are very drying and never feel normal. Additionally, these other techniques have about a 50% success rate. Dr. Kridel does not use this type of approach. Septal perforation repair in the hands of the right surgeon can be a life changing, life improving, event. Just ask our patient Mark, who came all the way from Australia, after visiting surgeons all around the world, to have his perforated septum repaired by Dr. Kridel. So, if you want to know how to repair a perforated nasal septum, look no further than contacting Dr. Russell Kridel at Facial Plastic Surgery Associates in Houston, TX. You can also see Dr. Kridel’s video about septal perforation repair surgery.

— Kirin, Facial Plastic Surgery Associates, Houston

To make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Russell Kridel about septal perforation repair, contact us at 713/526-5665

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