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Renuva is a groundbreaking treatment that replenishes the volume loss in the face, neck, and hands by stimulating the growth of existing fat cells. Renuva is a safe and effective injection that contains the same collagens, growth factors and proteins as your own native fat. When injected, Renuva is gradually replaced with your own fat cells over several months. Following the injection, new blood vessel and fat cell formation results in a natural, youthful, and healthy volume restoration.

In our early 30s, we begin to lose fat in both the superficial and deep fat compartments of the face, resulting in a more sunken and deflated appearance. The deep layers of facial fat make us look youthful and superficial fat makes us look healthy. By restoring these layers of fat, we can restore a youthful, healthy appearance.

Fat loss is one of the main reasons the face and body can look aged. That’s why for years, people have plumped up deflated facial features with injectables and fillers. And while they do a great job of replacing lost volume, they don’t create new fat in the face as Renuva does.

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About Renuva


When injected, Renuva introduces a honeycomb-like matrix that is replaced with your body’s own fat 3-6 months post-treatment, on average. The fat cells typically last around 4 to 6 years, and possibly longer.

Renuva is an alternative to autologous fat transfer. It is used to restore volume in the face, neck, and hands in areas where fat naturally exists. Renuva is processed to preserve the extracellular matrix that contains proteins, collagens, and growth factors found in adipose tissue. The resulting matrix serves as a framework for the cellular repopulation and vascularization at the site of the injection.

What Sets Us Apart

At Facial Plastic Surgery Associates, your Renuva injections will be skillfully injected by Dr. Sean Delaney or Dr. Russell Kridel who are board-certified facial plastic surgeons. Their training, skill and expertise gives patients the peace of mind that their injections are performed by a physician far more familiar with your anatomy and with the science of injectables rather than a physician assistant, aesthetician, registered nurse or nurse practitioner.

Who Is The Best Candidate For Renuva?

Renuva is a great treatment for patients with early stages of hollowness in their midface but, have very limited fat throughout their body that can be harvested for a fat transfer procedure. It is an excellent option for patients with early stages of volume loss in the face but do not have the time to maintain hyaluronic acid fillers and want a more natural looking alternative.

Renuva is also one of the best treatments for aging hands that have a loss of volume. On the back of the hands, this loss of volume makes veins more prominent and causes the skin to look crepey. And, because your hands are rarely covered, they are also always exposed to UV rays from the sun, which accelerates the signs of aging.

There are also some patients who are experiencing a phenomenon known as filler fatigue, which is an overfilled, unnatural, and puffy appearance from having hyaluronic acid filler consistently over time and find additional filler injections no longer provide the same results.

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Lip Filler Injection Demonstration


Administering Renuva

Renuva is injected in a similar manner as hyaluronic acid fillers and is performed in the comfort of our beautiful patient consultation rooms. There is some local anesthetic with the Renuva to help minimize any discomfort. Some patients also choose to have topical numbing cream applied prior to the injection.

What To Expect

With Renuva you can expect about 50% of the volume injected to remain in the new fat cells. Patients will see some immediate improvement, however it takes approximately three to six months for the results to settle in. If additional volume is needed or desired at that time patients have a second, smaller injection amount of Renuva to achieve the aesthetic goal.

Expected Cost

Renuva comes in 1.5cc and 3.0 cc increments and the cost starts at approximately $1,200. The cost may vary depending on the size of the treatment area. At FPSA we will provide you with an estimate at the time of your consultation based on the treatment plan you have discussed with Dr. Sean Delaney or Dr. Russell Kridel. The price is similar to longer lasting hyaluronic acid injectables like Juvederm and Radiesse, but Renuva lasts about two to three times longer… around 4 to 6 years.


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Renuva Faqs

Lips are one of the few areas where use of Renuva is not recommended.

With Renuva, the new fat cells are living fat cells, so if you gain a lot of weight in the future, those fat cells will get bigger just like other fat cells. However, Renuva will not cause uncontrolled fat cell growth.

While Renuva is classified under the generic category of fillers, it is not the same. Hyaluronic acid fillers do plump up deflated facial features, but they do not stimulate fat growth. In addition, hyaluronic acid fillers last about 1-2 yrs and Renuva will last about 4-6 years.

Renuva has the ability to reproduce facial fat and replenish areas of the face where fat has atrophied, mainly the cheeks, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, chin, jawline, temples, as well as the back of the hands.

For the most part, any area where fat cells already exist is ideal for Renuva treatment. The one area where it’s not suitable to inject Renuva is the lips because lips don’t inherently contain fat.

Of all the volumizing options available today, Renuva offers the longest-lasting results and lasts for about 4 to 6 years. Then, it gradually fades away.

Like analogous fat transfer, Renuva is not reversible. Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel take a skilled, conservative approach to not overfill at the first injection. Then, only if needed, patients will have a smaller additional amount of Renuva injected after a few months.

Some patients don’t like the idea of putting in a foreign substance like a filler into their face. Renuva is a natural option because the Renuva matrix goes away quickly and is replaced by your own fat cells. It involves your body’s own natural regenerative process.

For those patients who are so lean that they have little to no body fat to harvest, Renuva is an ideal alternative because Renuva allows the body to create its own fat. It is also good for those who do not want to go through the additional healing process from the liposuction needed to harvest the fat.

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On-Site Surgical Facility

Dr, Sean Delaney, Dr. Russell Kridel and Team FPSA provide patients with an exceptional surgical experience at our AAAHC accredited on-site operating facility. Our patients enjoy the comfort, ease and convenience of having surgical and medical aesthetic procedures in our beautiful practice environment. Facial Plastic Surgery Associates’ operating room has been certified by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). Accreditation by this highly regarded, independent organization ensures that our in-office operating room meets the highest quality of standards and safety. This accreditation is similar to the process completed for out-patient surgical facilities associated with hospital systems.

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