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Facial Implants

in Houston, TX

Facial Implants are one of the best kept secrets in facial plastic surgery that can help improve facial balance. Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel are well known for their advanced surgical techniques and youthful, natural outcomes. Their level of training as facial plastic surgeons, depth of experience, attention to detail and quality patient care is unparalleled in Houston.

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What are Facial Implants?

Facial implants can improve facial balance and proportion, addressing concerns about a weak chin, sunken cheeks or lack of facial contour.  While facial implants are quite useful as stand-alone procedures, they are commonly used in conjunction with other procedures. Common combinations include adding a chin implant to rhinoplasty to balance the profile, cheek implants to a Facelift to bring greater midface vitality, or a temporal implant with Facelift or Neck Lift to restore overall facial contour and balance.

There are several different types of Facial Implants, each provides augmentation to areas of the face that are depressed or deficient, often giving patients a gaunt look or undesirable profile.

Facial implants are safe, solid, don’t leak and can last a lifetime.  They are also one of the few reversible procedures in facial cosmetic surgery.  They may be removed or replaced with a different size implant at any time, even years later.

All Facial Implant surgeries can be performed in our beautiful AAAHC accredited operating suite under IV Sedation.

Chin Augmentation (Chin Implant)

Chin Augmentation surgery, also known as Mentoplasty, is a facial plastic surgical procedure to reshape the chin either by augmentation with an implant. Patients elect to have this because they feel their chin is too small or too large and doesn’t fit with their ideal proportions of the face and neck. While it may be performed as an isolated procedure, it is also commonly combined with other facial surgeries such as rhinoplasty, facelift, and liposuction to achieve optimal facial harmony.

Chin augmentation surgery takes about an hour and is performed with a medical-grade solid silicone chin implant that is designed in a variety of shapes and sizes. During this surgery, Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel will insert the chin implant using a small incision in the natural crease line under the chin or using an incision inside the lower lip. The implant feels like normal bone when it is in place. After implantation, Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel will secure the implant with a few stitches. When the incision is inside the mouth, no scarring is visible. The scar is hidden, heals beautifully, and is virtually undetectable.

Cheek Augmentation (Cheek Implant)

Good cheekbones greatly enhance facial harmony and attractiveness. Patients with flat or hollow cheekbones can see dramatic results with Cheek Augmentation (Cheek Implant) surgery. For Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel, the goal of this procedure is to rejuvenate the midfacial area by increasing the 3D contour, anterior projection, and volume of the cheeks with very natural results not oversized or “chipmunk” cheeks.

Cheek augmentation surgery takes about an hour. Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel utilize a special medical-grade implant to restore a youthful contour to the cheeks. These come in a variety of shapes and sizes, easily tailored for each patient. To insert the implant, Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel will make an incision inside the mouth, between the upper gums and cheek. The soft cheek tissue is elevated, and a pocket is created over the cheekbone. Then, they slide the implant through the incision and stitch it in place.  There is no visible incision.  Cheek Augmentation is often performed in conjunction with other procedures such as Facelift and Neck Lift.

Dr. Sean & Dr. Russell

What makes having Facial Implant surgery with Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel

different from other plastic surgeons in Houston?

Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel are considered the Best of the Best facial plastic surgeons in Houston. As double-board and triple-board certified experts in facial rejuvenation they utilize the most advanced Facial Implant surgical techniques with treatment plans tailored to your specific aesthetic goals. Whether you need Chin Augmentation, Cheek Augmentation or Temporal Augmentation, you will be in the “best” of hands with Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel. And beyond the attention to detail and the natural results, our surgeons and the entire FPSA team provide the most comprehensive level of patient care in Houston. As we like to say, “Our Results Show And We Are Proud Of Them.”

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Chin Implant Augmentation

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How can Facial Implants enhance facial proportions

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Cheek & Temple Implants


Temple Augmentation (Temporal Implant)

Temporal augmentation is a more permanent solution for hollow temples.  Temporal implants are made of soft, flexible silicone and are placed under the skin on the temples to enhance the temple area and restore a more youthful appearance. They can be used to replace fat that has diminished or fallen from the temples and to create fullness for a more aesthetically pleasing facial shape. Temple augmentation surgery takes about an hour.

Who is the ideal candidate for Facial Implant surgery?

If you believe your chin is too short, or does not have enough projection, or projection a chin augmentation may be right for you. The best candidates also have good dentition and normal occlusion; meaning that their upper teeth meet their lower teeth appropriately.

Patients with volume loss or downward migration or shrinkage of the fat pads in the checks associated with aging are excellent candidates for Cheek Augmentation surgery.  Younger patients with congenital facial imbalance in the cheeks are also excellent candidates.

Temporal implants are specifically designed to address hollowing in the temples of the face.  If you’ve been relying on fillers and would prefer to transition to a more lasting solution, these implants are an excellent, natural, and more permanent option.

Overall, the ideal candidate is healthy, without medical conditions that can impair healing, and who have a positive outlook.


What can I expect from a Facial Implant consultation at FPSA?

Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel care deeply about their patients and “listen” to your concerns throughout your comprehensive consultation and answer your questions.  You can expect to be with us for 1 to 1.5 hours.  During the consultation your surgeon will perform a thorough examination to identify what corrections you desire and what approaches will best achieve your aesthetic goals.  Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel will also show you samples of the types of implants recommended and where they would reside in your face.

An FPSA Team member will take your photos and we will morph the photos using computer imaging software so that you can visualize the post-operative result you can expect based on your discussion with your surgeon.  Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel take those photos into surgery with them as a guide and reflection of the surgical goal, something very few surgeons do.

Our patient care concierge will be your guide throughout your consultation and will review before and after photos of other patients, answer questions, discuss any relevant medical clearances needed, provide next steps, and review the estimate for your tailored treatment plan.  Patients also like to take this opportunity to lock in their desired surgical date.  We understand that having facial rejuvenation surgery is a big commitment both emotionally and financially and it can feel overwhelming. At Facial Plastic Surgery Associates we pride ourselves in treating every patient like our own beloved family member and will advocate the highest quality of care for you every step of the way.

What can I expect after Facial Implant surgery (post-operative)?

A well-done facial implant is very natural looking and very natural feeling. After the healing process, the chin implant looks and feels like any other chin.

Immediately after any Facial Implant surgery in our AAAHC accredited operating room, you will relax in our recovery area where you will be monitored and prepared for release by the surgeon and the clinical team.  You will need to have an adult driver to drop you off in the morning and pick you up after surgery.

You will be seen by a physician every few days during the first two weeks after surgery to monitor your healing process. It is also important that you follow the post-operative care plan that we outline for you.  For the first two weeks you will need to sleep on your back elevated so that your head is above your heart to help reduce swelling.

You are able to take a shower after your first post-operative visit. You should also avoid heavy lifting or activities that increase their heart rate for approximately 2-3 weeks after surgery.

No other plastic surgery practice in Houston provides the level of pre-operative, operative, post-operative care that we do.

How long is the recovery time?

Recovery time for Facial Implant surgery can vary depending on the type of implant surgery you have and whether or not you have additional procedures completed at the same time.

Most patients having standalone Facial Implant surgery feel very little pain immediately after surgery. Later in the evening, some report a feeling of tightness or soreness. If you have standalone implant surgery (cheek, chin, or temporal) recovery time is a week on average. The amount of swelling or bruising will vary also by patient and based on the type of augmentation surgery you have.  For cheek augmentation, it will take a few weeks for the swelling to go down. You may also experience some numbness.

At around a week, women may wear makeup, men may shave, and most feel comfortable going back to work or running errands.

The benefits and duration of Facial Implant results can last a lifetime.  Your aesthetic journey will be a rewarding experience when you go hand in hand with the best of hands, Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel and the entire FPSA team.


Can I have more than one procedure done at the same time?

It is very common for Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel to combine Facial Implant surgery with other procedures. This can be quite beneficial to patients to avoid multiple recovery periods and multiple usage of anesthesia.

Cheek Augmentation Surgery is often performed with Facelift or Neck Lift surgery.  Chin Augmentation Surgery is commonly performed with Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty, Facelift or Neck Lift surgery.  Temporal Augmentation is often paired with Facelift or Neck Lift surgery.  can be performed at our AAAHC accredited surgical suite under IV Sedation anesthesia.

Fortunately, with our in-office fully accredited AAAHC in-office operating suite, you can have any combination of Facial Implants and other facial plastic surgery procedures done on the same day.  Most of our patients prefer this approach because it allows you to take advantage of having just one recovery period.


Before Surgery

What do I need to do before surgery?

With any surgical procedure, it is necessary to avoid any medications or supplements that may thin the blood two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery. Our clinical staff will review instructions relating to medications and supplements at your pre-operative appointment.

What are the risks of Facial Implant surgery?

Facial Implant procedures are considered safe. As with other cosmetic procedures, some risks may occur. A facial implant can shift slightly out of alignment and would need to be placed back in its proper position. Infection can occur with any operation. If an infection occurs around a facial implant and does not clear up after treatment with antibiotics, the implant might have to be temporarily removed and replaced at a later time.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel do not operate on patients who smoke, chew tobacco, vape or take illicit drugs prior to or at the time of surgery, as these activities have a detrimental effect to the healing process.

We recommend that patients avoid alcohol for two weeks prior to and after your surgery. You should maintain a healthy diet and avoid salt, fatty foods and processed sugar.  Some patients eat pineapple for its naturally occurring bromelain. We recommend taking Arnica, Bromelain, and Vitamin C supplements 5 days before the surgery and 1 week following surgery.   It is also very important to avoid significant sun exposure.

On the day of surgery and for the following two weeks, you should wear loose fitting or button-up tops and dresses to avoid placing unnecessary pressure or stress on the implant areas.


When is my pre-operative appointment?

Your pre-op appointment will take place two to three weeks before your surgery. We strive to make this appointment as stress free as possible. At this appointment, you will receive instructions for before and after your procedure, sign consents, take pre-operative photos, and make final payment.  You will also receive the list of your prescriptions. Most of our patients find that using the Capsule Pharmacy service in advance of the pre-op is quite convenient because all prescriptions will be delivered to our office and ready for you at the pre-op appointment.

Patients can also take this opportunity to select skin care products appropriate for pre-operative and post-operative skin health and optimal healing.

Is there an alternative to Facial Implants?

There are no permanent alternatives to Facial Implants.  However, Fillers are sometimes used as a non-surgical alternative and last up to two years.

Facial Fat Transfer can be an alternative in the Cheek and Temporal areas.  However, the amount of fat that’s resorbed can be unpredictable, and results may vary from side to side. It is not a permanent solution as the fat can dissipate over time.

Fully Accredited

On-Site Surgical Facility

Dr, Sean Delaney, Dr. Russell Kridel and Team FPSA provide patients with an exceptional surgical experience at our AAAHC accredited on-site operating facility. Our patients enjoy the comfort, ease and convenience of having surgical and medical aesthetic procedures in our beautiful practice environment. Facial Plastic Surgery Associates’ operating room has been certified by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). Accreditation by this highly regarded, independent organization ensures that our in-office operating room meets the highest quality of standards and safety. This accreditation is similar to the process completed for out-patient surgical facilities associated with hospital systems.

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