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Brow Lift Model

Brow Lift

in Houston, TX

Forehead wrinkles and sagging brows can make you look tired or angry. Reclaim your youthful look with a Brow Lift. A Brow Lift can revitalize your appearance by elevating the brow to a more youthful position. Award-winning, facial plastic surgery experts, Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel are renowned for “natural” and “restorative” Brow Lift results. Their depth of experience, attention to detail, quality patient care, and superior outcomes is unparalleled in Houston.

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What Is A Brow Lift?

At Facial Plastic Surgery Associates, Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Rusell Kridel are extremely well known and well respected for the most natural Brow Lift results that will give you a more refreshed, brighter appearance. A Brow Lift, also known as Forehead lift, repositions your eyebrows to a more youthful position to help reduce forehead wrinkles, ease frown lines, and improve sagging brows.

Dr Delaney and Dr. Kridel perform the most advanced Brow Lift surgical techniques; Endoscopic Browlift, Trichial Brow Lift, and Temporal Lift. During your consultation, your surgeon will tailor their approach based on your individual facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.

What is an Endoscopic Brow Lift?

When performing an Endoscopic Brow Lift, Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel make five small incisions across the top of the forehead and on the temples, behind the hairline. Using precise instruments, the entire brow is elevated. Using sutures, they pull up and secure the brow and forehead to a higher, more youthful level. This results in a natural brow elevation, both vertically and to the sides (laterally).

What is a Trichial Brow Lift?

For patients with tall or excessively curved foreheads that prohibit the use of the endoscope, Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel perform a Trichial Brow Lift. With this surgical approach the entire forehead is lifted using an incision that follows the hairline. The incision is hidden within the forehead hairline and the incision is angled in such a way to allow for the hair to grow back through the incision to camouflage the resultant scar.

What is a Temporal Brow Lift?

For patients with early signs of brow descent who do not require lifting of the central eyebrows, a Temporal Brow Lift is an excellent option for a more targeted rejuvenation of the outer one third portion of the eyebrow area. Small incisions are made on each side of the temporal hairline or in the scalp to help alleviate a droopy lateral eyebrow and lateral hooding of the upper eyelid.

Dr. Sean & Dr. Russell

What makes having Brow Lift surgery with Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel

different from other plastic surgeons in Houston?

At Facial Plastic Surgery Associates, Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel believe that with any type of Brow Lift surgery you should look refreshed and rejuvenated, not frightened or surprised. Our patients love the natural look that Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel create.

Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel are considered the Best of the Best facial plastic surgeons in Houston. As double-board and triple-board certified experts in facial rejuvenation, they provide the most comprehensive level of patient care, greatest attention to detail and most natural results for every patient. They have superior depth of training and surgical experience across all Brow Lift surgical approaches and not just one. In fact, very few plastic surgeons in Houston perform the more challenging Trichial Brow Lift or the exacting Temporal Brow Lift. So you can rest assured that your surgical plan will be tailored specifically to your aesthetic goals. As we like to say, “Our Results Show And We Are Proud Of Them.”

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Combining a Brow lift and Upper Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)

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How to choose the right Brow Lift surgery for you


Can I combine Brow Lift With Other Cosmetic Procedures?

The brow lift can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or as part of a larger facial rejuvenation procedure. Brow lifts are most frequently performed together with eyelid or facelift surgery. However, Brow Lift can also be combined with facial fat transfer, and skin resurfacing procedures.

Fortunately, with our in-office AAAHC accredited operating room, you can have multiple procedures done on the same day. Most of our patients prefer this approach because it allows you to take advantage of having just one recovery period.

Am I a good candidate for Brow Lift?

Many patients who are over the age of 40 are ideal candidates for a Brow Lift (Forehead Lift). This is the age when the brow line starts to droop and lines appear on the forehead. Some people in their late 20’s and 30’s may also be candidates for a Brow Lift because of genetics or premature aging.


What can I expect at my consultation?

Achieving a good aesthetic result from brow Lift surgery requires keeping your aesthetic goals and overall facial balance in mind for optimal rejuvenation results.

Our Brow Lift and Facial Rejuvenation consultations are quite comprehensive, you can expect to be with us for approximately one and half hours. When you first arrive, an FPSA team member will take your photograph at multiple angles and will also review your medical history and patient information forms with you.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel perform a thorough examination taking into consideration your aesthetic goals. Your surgeon will provide an honest assessment and discuss the recommended approach to address your facial rejuvenation concerns, whether it is a standalone Brow Lift or a Brow Lift in combination with other procedure(s).

Based on your discussion and agreed upon goal for surgery, we will digitally morph your photos so that you can visualize the potential results from surgery.  Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel will review the imaged photos with you to make sure that you share the same aesthetic vision. Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel take the imaged photos into surgery with them so that they can come as close as possible to your surgical goal.  Very few plastic surgeons do this. You will have the opportunity to share all your questions and concerns with your surgeon during your consultation.

Our patient care concierge will be your guide throughout your consultation and will review before and after photos of other Brow Lift patients, answer questions, discuss any relevant medical clearances needed, provide next steps, and review the estimate for your tailored treatment plan.  Patients also like to take this opportunity to lock in their desired surgical date.  We understand that having facial rejuvenation surgery is a big commitment both emotionally and financially and it can feel overwhelming. At Facial Plastic Surgery Associates we pride ourselves in treating every patient like our own beloved family member and will advocate the highest quality of care for you every step of the way.

Patients who are good candidates for Brow Lift surgery share their desire to address drooping eyebrows, tired look of their resting face, heavy or sagging upper eyelids, and forehead lines.

You should also be a non-smoker, in good health and have a positive and realistic outlook about what the procedure can achieve,

When is my pre-operative appointment?

Your pre-op appointment will take place two to three weeks before your scheduled surgery. We strive to make this appointment as stress free as possible. At this appointment, you will receive pre-operative and post-operative instructions, review and sign consents, take pre-operative photos, and make final payment. You will also receive a list of your prescriptions. Most of our patients find that using our Capsule Pharmacy service in advance is quite convenient because all prescriptions will be delivered to our office and ready for you at the pre-op appointment.

What do I need to do before surgery?

With any surgical procedure, it is necessary to avoid any medications or supplements that may thin the blood two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery. Our clinical staff will review instructions relating to medications and supplements at your pre-operative appointment.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel do not operate on patients who smoke, chew tobacco, vape or take illicit drugs prior to or at the time of surgery, as these activities have a detrimental effect to the healing process. Surgery can be canceled if tests prior to surgery indicate usage.

We recommend that patients avoid alcohol for two weeks prior to and after surgery. You should maintain a healthy diet and avoid salty, fatty foods and processed sugar. Some patients eat pineapple for the anti-inflammatory effect of its naturally occurring Bromelain. We recommend taking Arnica, Bromelain, and Vitamin C supplements 5 days before the surgery and 1 week following surgery. It is also very important to avoid significant sun exposure.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel also believe that having healthier skin at the time of surgery. We provide patients with a complimentary Pre-Surgical Facial with our medical esthetician, Maria Alanis, at your pre-op appointment. No other plastic surgery practice in Houston provides this complimentary service. Patients also receive a lovely beauty kit with post-operative supplies, hair towel and eye mask. At this appointment, patients like to select skin care products appropriate for pre-operative and post-operative skin health and optimal healing.


What happens on the day of surgery?

Dr. Sean Delaney, Dr. Russell Kridel and the entire FPSA Team provide patients with an exceptional surgical experience in our beautiful practice environment. Our patients enjoy the comfort, ease and convenience of having Brow Lift procedures at our fully accredited AAAHC surgical center under IV Sedation. Recovery time is far shorter with IV Sedation than general anesthesia.

Brow Lift surgery typically takes around 2 hours to complete depending on the approach. We ask that you arrive at our facility approximately 1.5 hrs prior to your surgical start time. You should have nothing to eat or drink (not even water, candy, or gum) after midnight the night before your procedure. You should wear a button-up top or loose-fitting clothing to allow you to change easily without placing unnecessary pressure or stress on the forehead area. You will need an adult driver on the day of your surgery to bring you to the surgery center and to take you home and a responsible adult to care for you the first 24 hours after surgery.


After Surgery

What can I expect after Brow Lift surgery?

No other cosmetic practice in Houston provides the level of pre-operative, operative, post-operative care that we do.

Immediately after surgery in our AAAHC accredited operating room, you will relax in our recovery area where you will be monitored and prepared for release by the surgeon and the clinical team. You will have a dressing around your head to protect the surgical incisions that will remain in place until your appointment early the next morning.

Some patients report a headache the first night following a Brow Lift. After the first evening however, patients report they feel swollen and bruised but not real pain. We prescribe pain medications to help you feel more comfortable. However, we have found that most patients transition to Tylenol after 24-36 hours. Our patients often comment that the overall level and length of discomfort is far less than they expected.

At the second or third day post-op visit, you will have your hair washed by our team just prior to seeing the doctor. It is a lovely respite after surgery and is one more example of the special care we provide our patients.

You will be seen by a physician every few days during the first two weeks after surgery to monitor your healing process. It is also important that you follow the post-operative care plan that we outline for you.

We do not recommend driving in the first week after surgery as post-operative medications can impair ability to drive safely.

Make-up can be worn as early as a few days following surgery, avoiding all incisions. You are able to take a shower beginning the day after your hair wash in our office.

Patients should avoid heavy lifting or activities that increase their heart rate for approximately 4-5 weeks after surgery. Over the ensuing weeks and months after your Brow Lift surgery, you will find that numbness around the incision areas will go away.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel will be with you every step of the way during your aesthetic journey. We will see you multiple times over the first two weeks, and also at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. Our high standard of patient care, including follow-up care, is unparalleled in Houston.


What is the recovery period for Brow Lift?

Our surgical techniques and pre-operative and post-operative care are designed to help the healing process. However, patients may notice some bruising, numbness in the forehead and scalp, or raising eyebrows can feel odd.

Most patients feel like themselves after just a few days. As a general rule of thumb, patients can return to work after a week to ten days. Many patients can work from home after just a few days. Facial features will settle and take on a natural look within a few weeks. Even though you will look presentable to the public, you will find that the healing will continue for several weeks, as the swelling dissipates, and incision lines refine and fade. It may take several months for the optimal surgical results to take effect.

Your aesthetic journey will be a rewarding experience when you go hand in hand with the best of hands, Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel and the entire FPSA team.

How do I find the best Brow Lift surgeon for me?

Brow Lift surgery is very challenging and requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure that incisions are well hidden. It is important that patients select a facial plastic surgery specialist who is familiar with the anatomy and has extensive training and experience specific to Facial Plastic Surgery, particularly multiple types of Brow Lift and Facelift surgery.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel are board-certified in Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery and board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, so they have a unique knowledge of the function, anatomy, and the aesthetics of your face. With our surgeons, you are in the hands of award-winning experts recognized by other physicians for their expertise, and they have published extensively in scientific medical journals and textbooks on Facial Rejuvenation.

There is a great deal more to selecting your Brow Lift surgeon then reviews and media posts. We have provided a handy guide of the 10 best questions when selecting a surgeon for your Brow Lift.

Fully Accredited

On-Site Surgical Facility

Dr, Sean Delaney, Dr. Russell Kridel and Team FPSA provide patients with an exceptional surgical experience at our AAAHC accredited on-site operating facility. Our patients enjoy the comfort, ease and convenience of having surgical and medical aesthetic procedures in our beautiful practice environment. Facial Plastic Surgery Associates’ operating room has been certified by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). Accreditation by this highly regarded, independent organization ensures that our in-office operating room meets the highest quality of standards and safety. This accreditation is similar to the process completed for out-patient surgical facilities associated with hospital systems.

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