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Our Pricing Guide for Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX

We understand that selecting a surgeon for facial aesthetic procedures can be challenging. Our surgeons, Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel, are recognized as the top double board- certified facial plastic surgery specialists in Houston.

They have the unique combination of technical skill, artistry, passion for their profession, and devotion to the highest quality of care to their patients. No other facial plastic surgery practice provides the level of pre-operative, operative and post-operative care as we do. Our patients are part of our FPSA family.

The price structure for each surgeon is provided in this section. All procedures, except nasal surgery, are performed in our in-office AAAHC-accredited surgical facility under IV sedation (similar to colonoscopy). All prices listed are inclusive of facility and anesthesia fees.

You will be in the best of hands with Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel!

Dr. Kridel

MVP Facelift

$31,000 – $35,000

Includes: Facelift, Neck Lift, Platysmaplasty, and PRP

The MVP Facelift can provide the most significant facial rejuvenation improvement to an aging face. The multi-vector, multi-plane, surgical technique Dr. Kridel perfected results in a refreshed, youthful, and very natural look—a younger you, NOT a different or stranger you!

Too often we see people that had plastic surgery done elsewhere that has left visible scars and an overdone windblown and taut appearance. Dr. Kridel has published extensively in scientific medical journals and textbook chapters on his meticulous surgical approach. His innovative “invisible incision” technique conceals incision lines so effectively that even hairdressers find it hard to identify them. Our patients rave about the natural and enduring results.

The MVP Lift addresses laxity in the face from below the eyes all the way through the lower neck. It is not just a facelift or a neck lift, rather it is better defined as a face and neck lift. As we age, the vast majority of patients develop what appear to be vertical bands in the neck area, this is a result of the platysma muscle separating over time. Dr. Kridel skillfully reunites the platysma muscle to provide a smoother, more natural neckline.

To optimize the healing process, Dr. Kridel takes your own blood and spins it to concentrate platelets in the plasma and injects the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) prior to closing incisions. Facelift surgery for male requires additional surgical moves due to the size of the face which adds additional time and costs for the procedure.

No other aesthetic surgery practice in Houston provides the level of pre-operative, operative and post-operative care as Facial Plastic Surgery Associates. Dr. Kridel and the entire FPSA team are with you every step of the way. Trust your transformation to the renowned Houston facial plastic surgeon known for the most natural results and enduring beauty.

Also included in the price:

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs (at FPSA)
  • Surgical Fees
  • PRP processing
  • Post-operative care visits, including first hair shampoo
  • Post-surgery Care Kit


$23,000 – $27,000

Includes: Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty, and Turbinate Reduction

Rhinoplasty surgery is recognized as the most difficult plastic surgery procedure, yet it is also one of the most transformative. The significance of choosing a seasoned Rhinoplasty specialist cannot be overstated.

Dr. Kridel is internationally recognized as one of the best Rhinoplasty surgeons and is commonly referred to as “The Nose Doc”. He has published over 85 scientific journal articles and textbook chapters on nasal surgery and several of the surgical techniques he pioneered are now taught in medical schools across the country. Dr. Kridel is a featured guest speaker on Rhinoplasty at plastic surgery conferences around the globe every year. His recent work on “Preservation Tip” technique is lauded by his peers. Over 60% of the Rhinoplasty procedures Dr. Kridel performs are revisions of nasal surgery performed elsewhere.

He is one of the few nasal specialists that is so highly skilled in utilizing different surgical techniques matched to the unique aesthetic and functional concerns in Rhinoplasty to achieve the most successful outcomes. Surgeons across all aesthetic specialties often refer their most difficult Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty cases to Dr. Kridel.

Like snowflakes, no two noses are alike. Some patients need additional grafts, implants, alar base reduction, or other special techniques to achieve their goals. Costs for these additional materials/techniques are included in the range noted and will be outlined more specifically at your consultation with Dr. Kridel.

Also included in the price:

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs (at Kirby Glen Surgical Center)
  • Surgical Fees
  • Post-operative care visits
  • Post-surgery Care Kit

Revision Rhinoplasty

$30,000 – $40,000

Includes: Revision Rhinoplasty, Revision Septoplasty, Turbinate Reduction, and other modifications as needed

Revision Rhinoplasty surgery is the most difficult plastic surgery procedure to perform and the most difficult to obtain a successful outcome. Very few surgeons in the country are as well respected and as experienced in Revision Rhinoplasty as Dr. Russell Kridel. Over 60% of the nasal surgeries he performs are on patients who had surgery done elsewhere.

Dr. Kridel is internationally recognized as one of the best Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty surgeons and is commonly referred to as “The Nose Doc.” He has published over 200 scientific journal articles, textbook chapters and guest medical conference lectures on nasal surgery. Nasal surgery techniques he pioneered are now taught in medical schools across the country.

Revisions to nasal tip is often desired, and Dr. Kridel’s recent advanced “Preservation Tip” techniques have been lauded by his peers. Surgeons across all aesthetic specialties often refer their most difficult Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty cases to Dr. Kridel.

With revision rhinoplasty structures inside the nose have been altered, often resulting in significant scar tissue as well as disfigurement. Dr. Kridel is one of the few facial plastic surgeons who has the depth of experience to address revisions ranging from mild to severe, including multiple previous surgeries, with meticulous skill for aesthetically pleasing results.

Revision rhinoplasty patients often need additional grafts, alar base reduction, or other special techniques to achieve their goals. Costs for these additional materials/techniques are included in the range noted and will be outlined more specifically at the consultation.

Also included in the price:

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs (at Kirby Glen Surgical Center)
  • Surgical Fees
  • Additional surgical materials (grafts, etc.) as needed
  • Post-operative care visits
  • Post-surgery care kit

Upper Blepharoplasty

$7,000 – $8,000

Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty addresses hooding and skin laxity that can develop with facial aging giving patients the appearance of being tired, sad, or angry. Using advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Russell Kridel creates a natural, refreshed appearance that can wipe away years. He has published extensively on Blepharoplasty in scientific medical journals and textbook chapters.

Upper Blepharoplasty is performed in our fully accredited surgical suite and requires minimal downtime. This procedure is often combined with Lower Blepharoplasty, Browlift or Facelift surgery to obtain optimal facial rejuvenation benefit.

Also included in the price:

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs
  • Surgical Fees
  • Post-operative Care Kit
  • Post-operative Care Visits

Lower Blepharoplasty

$8,500 – $9,500

Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) for lower eyelids addresses lower lid fat bags, dark undereye circles and skin wrinkling which creates a tired appearance. The procedure is conveniently performed in our fully accredited in-office surgical suite and downtime is minimal.

Dr. Russell Kridel, a world renowned facial plastic surgeon, has published numerous scientific medical journal articles detailing his advanced surgical techniques for blepharoplasty. He tailors his approach to the specific needs of each patient, including special lid shortening and fat transfer if appropriate. Upper blepharoplasty is also often performed at the same time when needed to address upper eyelid laxity and hooding. It is also commonly performed with facelift.

Patients undergoing Blepharoplasty surgery with Dr. Kridel enjoy looking rested and more youthful, yet very natural….essentially, dialing back the hands of time.

Also included in the price:

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs
  • Surgical Fees
  • Post-operative Care Kit
  • Post-operative Care Visits

Septal Perforation Repair

$30,000 – $45,000

Septal Perforation Repair Surgery is a life changing reconstructive procedure for patients with a hole in their septum and often with debilitating symptoms. Dr. Russell Kridel is internationally recognized as “the expert” in septal perforation surgery. Very few surgeons perform this surgery, and Dr. Kridel is one of a few surgeons in the United States with an average closure rate of 100% in the past 5 years and over 97% overall, including very large perforations.

Dr. Kridel has published over 200 scientific journal articles, textbook chapters and guest medical conference lectures on nasal surgery, including his highly acclaimed septal perforation repair techniques. Surgeons across numerous specialties across the country refer septal perforation patients to Dr. Kridel. Patients rave about the level of care they receive from Dr. Kridel and our staff.

Septal Perforation Repair surgery can be 5.5 to 6.5 hours and requires a range of complex surgical maneuvers and techniques. Typically, patients need more than one graft and other special techniques to achieve their goals. Some patients also have cosmetic adjustments, known as Rhinoplasty, at the same time. Cost range includes special materials that may be needed during surgery.

Also included in the price:

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs (at Kirby Glen Surgical Center)
  • Surgical Fees
  • Additional surgical materials (grafts, etc.) as needed
  • Post-operative care visits
  • Post-surgery Care Kit

Extended Deep Plane Facelift

$20,000 – $25,000 

Includes Facelift, Neck Lift, Platysmaplasty, and PRP

Experience the transformative power of our Extended Deep Plane Facelift, the pinnacle of facial rejuvenation. Dr. Sean Delaney’s detailed surgical technique for facelift delivers a refreshed, youthful appearance with a natural look.

Dr. Delaney utilizes a multi-vector, multi-plane surgical technique similar to that used by Dr. Kridel that shifts back the hands of time for a “new you.” Dr. Delaney has also co-authored, with Dr. Kridel, scientific journal articles on the inconspicuous incision technique that makes it virtually impossible for others to see incision scars.

The Extended Deep Plane Facelift isn’t just a facelift or a neck lift; it’s a comprehensive face and neck rejuvenation addressing laxify from below the eyes through the lower neck.

Dr. Delaney also skillfully addresses vertical neck bands caused by the separation of the platysma muscle over time, reuniting and modifying them with a platysmaplasty for a smooth, more natural neckline.

To maximize optimal results, Dr. Delaney incorporates Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood drawn just before surgery. This concentration of platelets in the plasma enhances the healing process. A male facelift requires additional surgical moves the to the size of the facial area which adds additional OR and Anesthesia time and costs to the procedure.

What sets us apart is the unparalleled care and support that Dr. Delaney and the entire FPSA dedicated team provide you every step of the way before, during and after surgery. You will be in the best of hands with Dr. Delaney.

Also included in the price:

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs (at FPSA)
  • Surgical Fees
  • PRP processing
  • Post-operative care visits, including first hair shampoo
  • Post-surgery Care Kit


$16,000 – $20,000

Includes: Rhinoplasty, Septoplasty, and Turbinate Reduction

Rhinoplasty surgery stands out as one of the most challenging procedures in the realm of plastic surgery. So, it is so important to select an experienced Rhinoplasty specialist.

Dr. Delaney is a highly skilled and trained, double board-certified ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) surgeon and Facial Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon. He will be sure that your nose not only looks great, but that you can also breathe well.

Dr. Delaney was trained by Dr. Kridel and he has also co-authored significant scientific medical journal articles and textbook chapters on Rhinoplasty with Dr. Kridel. Recognizing the individuality of each nose, Dr. Delaney crafts personalized surgical approaches to help patients obtain their aesthetic goal.

In some instances, additional grafts, implants, alar base reduction, or specialized techniques are needed to achieve the most successful outcome. Costs for these additional materials/techniques are included in the range noted and will be outlined more specifically at your consultation with Dr. Delaney.

Also included in the price: 

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs (at Kirby Glen Surgical Center)
  • Surgical Fees
  • Post-operative care visits
  • Post-surgery Care Kit

Revision Rhinoplasty

$21,000 – $30,000 

Includes: Revision Rhinoplasty, Revision Septoplasty, and Turbinate Reduction

Revision Rhinoplasty surgery is the most difficult plastic surgery procedure to perform because structures inside the nose have been previously altered. Many cosmetic surgeons do not perform this very complex surgery, so it is important to identify a skilled and experienced specialist. Dr. Sean Delaney who is recognized as a rising star in Rhinoplasty and Revision Rhinoplasty.

Dr. Delaney was trained by Dr. Kridel and has co-authored numerous scientific medical journal articles and textbook chapters on nasal surgery techniques with Dr. Kridel. Utilizing similar surgical techniques, Dr. Delaney is an experienced Revision Rhinoplasty surgeon.

Revision rhinoplasty patients often need additional grafts or other special techniques to achieve their aesthetic goals. Costs for these additional materials/techniques are included in the range noted and will be outlined more specifically at the consultation.

Also included in the price: 

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs (at Kirby Glen Surgical Center)
  • Surgical Fees
  • Additional surgical materials (grafts, etc.) as needed
  • Post-operative care visits
  • Post-surgery Care Kit

Upper Blepharoplasty

$5,000 – $6,000 

Upper Blepharoplasty, also known as Upper Eyelid Lift, focuses on skin laxity and hooding that occurs over time and can give the appearance of being tired or unhappy. Dr. Sean Delaney skillfully creates a natural and refreshed look using advanced surgical techniques.

Dr. Delaney performs Upper Blepharoplasty in our fully accredited surgical suite ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for patients, with minimal downtime required. Upper eyelid lift is often performed in conjunction with lower blepharoplasty, browlift or facelift procedures to maximize the overall aesthetic benefits.

Also included in the price: 

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs
  • Surgical Fees
  • Post-operative Care Kit
  • Post-operative Care Visits

Lower Blepharoplasty

$6,000 – $7,000 

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty, commonly known as a lower eyelid lift, targets concerns, such as fat bags, dark under-eye circles and skin wrinkling that contributes to a tired appearance. This procedure is performed in our fully accredited (AAAHC) in-office surgical suite with minimal downtime.

Dr. Sean Delaney’s personalized approach caters to the unique needs of each patient, incorporating advanced surgical techniques similar to Dr. Kridel. If needed, Dr. Delaney incorporates specialized lid shortening and/or fat transfer when appropriate. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty can also be seamlessly combined with upper eyelid Blepharoplasty to address hooding and upper eyelid laxity. Moreover, it is frequently paired with facelift procedures for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Patients undergoing Blepharoplasty with Dr. Delaney can expect to achieve a natural, more rested, and youthful appearance.

Also included in the price: 

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs
  • Surgical Fees
  • Post-operative Care Kit
  • Post-operative Care Visits


$8,000 – $9,000 

Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning, is a procedure designed to address prominent or oversized ears. Employing advanced surgical techniques that include hidden incisions behind the ears, Dr. Sean Delaney creates an aesthetically pleasing and less conspicuous contour that can last a lifetime.

Protruding ears can affect self-esteem for patients of all ages. Fortunately, Otoplasty surgery can be performed on both children and adults in our fully accredited operating room. Downtime is minimal and the recovery is relatively easy.

At the time of consultation, Dr. Delaney will design a surgical approach tailored to every patient that will bring harmony and optimal aesthetically pleasing results.

Also included in the price: 

  • Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs
  • Surgical Fees
  • Post-operative Care Kit
  • Post-operative Care Visits

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