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In Houston, TX

Many men and women make the decision to have a Facelift to help reverse the visible signs of aging. At Facial Plastic Surgery Associates, Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel are highly respected in Houston for the most natural Facelift results.  Their level of training, depth of experience, attention to detail and quality patient care is unparalleled.

Our patients delight in gazing into the mirror and discovering a younger, more vibrant reflection, not an overly windblown or drastically altered appearance.

Ready to get started?

What is a Facelift?

A Facelift, also known as a Rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to improve the signs of aging in the face and neck to restore a more youthful appearance. The term “Facelift” is actually a face and neck lift because the surgery re-supports the cheek, jawline, and neck. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat, tightening facial muscles, or trimming and redraping the skin to create a smoother, firmer appearance.

FPSA offers two face lift surgical approaches to align with your facial rejuvenation goals to dial back the hands of time. Dr. Sean Delaney specializes in the Extended Deep Plane Facelift, while Dr. Russell Kridel is celebrated for his signature Multi-Vector Plane Facelift (“MVP” Lift).  Exceptional pre-operative and post-operative care are similar with both surgical approaches.

Who is the ideal candidate for Facelift surgery?

The term “facelift” is actually a face and neck lift because the surgery re-suspends the soft tissue of the cheek, jawline, and neck.  Facelift surgery is perfect for those with sagging or jowling in the midface and jawline, as well as laxity or excess fat in the neck and under the chin. In general, patients with good skin elasticity ranging from 40-70, who are non-smokers or vapers, in good health, and with a BMI of 30 or under are the best candidates.  If you are planning on losing weight, for the best results patients should reach within 10 to 15 pounds of their ideal weight before surgery.

What are the benefits of Facelift?

A facelift does not permanently prevent aging, but it does turn back the hands of time. The person with a facelift never looks as old as they would have if they had not had the operation. Facelift surgery with Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel let’s you be a more youthful, vibrant you not a different or overly-done you. Having facelift surgery also offers significant benefits beyond just physical appearance. Feeling good about how you look positively impacts your self-confidence and all aspects of your life.

What makes having Facelift surgery

At FPSA different from other plastic surgeons in Houston?

Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel are considered the Best of the Best facial plastic surgeons in Houston. As double-board and triple-board certified experts in facial rejuvenation, they provide the most comprehensive level of patient care, greatest attention to detail and most natural results for every patient. The most advanced facelift surgical techniques they utilize include meticulous dissection and also feature the hidden incision approach developed by Dr. Kridel, so that your incisions are virtually undetectable when the healing process is completed. Even your hairdresser won’t be able to tell you had a lift. As we like to say, “Our Results Show And We Are Proud Of Them.”

Dr. Sean & Dr. Russell

What can I expect

from a Facelift consultation
at FPSA?

Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel care deeply about their patients and “listen” to your concerns throughout your comprehensive consultation. You can expect to be with us for 1 to 1.5 hours. During the consultation your surgeon will perform a thorough examination to identify what corrections you desire and what approaches will best achieve your aesthetic goals. Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel are happy to answer any questions you may have during your visit.

An FPSA Team member will take your photos and we will morph the photos using computer imaging software so that you can visualize the post-operative result you can expect based on your discussion with your surgeon. Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel take those photos into surgery with them as a guide and reflection of the surgical goal, something very few surgeons do.

Our patient care concierge will be your guide throughout your consultation and will review before and after photos of other patients, answer questions, discuss any relevant medical clearances needed, provide next steps, and review the estimate for your tailored treatment plan. Patients also like to take this opportunity to lock in their desired surgical date. We understand that having facial rejuvenation surgery is a big commitment both emotionally and financially and it can feel overwhelming. At Facial Plastic Surgery Associates we pride ourselves in treating every patient like our own beloved family member and will advocate the highest quality of care for you every step of the way.

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Dr. Kridel’s inconspicuous facelift incisions

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Dr. Kridel’s MVP Facelift

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Dr. Delaney’s Extended Deep-Plane Facelift

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Choosing your Ideal Lift Procedure: Neck lift versus Facelift


When is my pre-operative appointment?

Your pre-op appointment will take place two to three weeks before your surgery. We strive to make this appointment as stress free as possible.

At this appointment, you will receive instructions for before and after your procedure, sign consents, take pre-operative photos, and make final payment.  You will also receive the list of your prescriptions. Most of our patients find that using the Capsule Pharmacy service in advance of the pre-op is quite convenient because all prescriptions will be delivered to our office and ready for you at the pre-op appointment.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel also believe that having healthier skin at the time of surgery will also help the healing process.  You will  be able to relax and enjoy a complimentary pre-surgical facial with our medical esthetician, Maria Alanis. Your skin will feel clean, refreshed, and nourished prior to your surgery.  Patients can also take the opportunity to select skin care products appropriate for pre-operative and post-operative skin health and optimal healing.

What do I need to do before surgery?

With any surgical procedure, it is necessary to avoid any medications or supplements that may thin the blood two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery. Our clinical staff will review instructions relating to medications and supplements at your pre-operative appointment.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel do not operate on patients who smoke, chew tobacco, vape or take illicit drugs prior to or at the time of surgery, as these activities have a detrimental effect to the healing process. Surgery can be cancelled if drug tests prior to surgery indicate usage.

We recommend that patients avoid alcohol for two weeks prior to and after your surgery. You should maintain a healthy diet and avoid salt, fatty foods and processed sugar.  Some patients eat pineapple for its naturally occurring bromelain. We recommend taking Arnica, Bromelain, and Vitamin C supplements 5 days before the surgery and 1 week following surgery. It is also very important to avoid significant sun exposure.

On the day of surgery and for the following two weeks, you should wear loose fitting or button-up tops and dresses to avoid placing unnecessary pressure or stress on the head and neck area.


What can I expect after Facelift surgery (post-operative)?

No other cosmetic practice in Houston provides the level of pre-operative, operative, post-operative care that we do.

Immediately after surgery in our AAAHC accredited operating room, you will relax in our recovery area where you will be monitored and prepared for release by the surgeon and the clinical team.  You will have a dressing around your head to protect the surgical incisions that will remain in place until your appointment early the next morning.

Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel require facelift patients stay overnight in the comfort of the nearby Hotel Chifley (Tapestry Collection by Hilton) which is just one block from our office, under the care of a registered nurse. When you return to the office the next morning for your first post-operative appointment the post-surgical dressing will be removed, and the surgeon will examine you, remove your drains, and put in place a smaller compressive dressing.

At the second or third day post-op visit, you will have your hair washed by our team just prior to seeing the doctor.  It is a lovely respite after surgery and is one more example of the special care we provide our patients. After your hair wash you will then switch to an easy to use facial sling. The facial sling needs to be worn 24/7 for 2 weeks and then at nighttime only for the following 2 weeks. We will provide you with instructions on how to maintain this minimal dressing after surgery.

You will be seen by a physician every few days during the first two weeks after surgery to monitor your healing process. It is also important that you follow the post-operative care plan that we outline for you.

You are not able to drive for at least a week to avoid turning your neck.  It is important to swivel at the waist rather than the neck so that sutures are not disturbed or strained. For the first two weeks you will need to sleep on your back elevated so that your head is above your heart. Your neck should remain flat so you can use a flat pillow or no pillow at all to avoid flexing the neck forward.

Make-up can be worn as early as a few days following surgery, avoiding all incisions. You are able to take a shower beginning the day after your hair wash in our office.

Patients should avoid heavy lifting or activities that increase their heart rate for approximately 4-5 weeks after surgery. Over the ensuing weeks and months after your facelift surgery, you will find that numbness around the incision areas will go away.

While duration of Facelift results depends on lifestyle, genetics, and ongoing skin care and sun protection, facelift results can last about 10 years before touch-ups may be needed if desired.

Your aesthetic journey will be a rewarding experience when you go hand in hand with the best of hands, Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel and the entire FPSA team.

How long is the recovery time?

The vast majority of patients are amazed at how quickly they recover from surgery.

We recommend that you take off work for 2 weeks after surgery. By 3 weeks the majority of our patients are back to their normal routines and are feeling like themselves. Those who bruise more easily may still need more time before returning to normal social activity. To be conservative, we suggest that you have their surgery at least 5 weeks prior to a major public event.

Patients who would like to accelerate their recovery time can also visit our Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy partner.

Can I have more than one procedure done at the same time?

It is very common for Dr. Delaney and Dr Kridel to combine Extended Deep Plane Facelift or Multi- Vector Positioning (MVP) Facelift surgery with other surgical procedures. This can be quite beneficial to patients to avoid multiple recovery periods and multiple usage of anesthesia.

Patients commonly have Browlift and/or Eyelid Surgery at the same time to address falling eyebrows and excess upper eyelid skin and under eye bags for a complete facial rejuvenation.

Some patients are also candidates for Facial Fat Transfer or Temporal Implants to address loss of volume of the face and in the temples.

While a facelift does not get rid of fine wrinkles or creases around the mouth and eyes, Dr. Delaney and Dr. Kridel can reduce them with Fully Ablative CO2 laser.  Very few surgeons in Houston offer fully ablative CO2 which takes a great deal of experience and skill but is the most effective method long term.

Fortunately, with our in-office fully accredited operating room, you can have multiple procedures done on the same day.  Most of our patients prefer this approach because it allows you to take advantage of having just one recovery period.

Where do I have my Facelift surgery?

Dr. Sean Delaney, Dr. Russell Kridel and the entire FPSA Team provide patients with an exceptional surgical experience in our beautiful practice environment. Our patients enjoy the comfort, ease and convenience of having facelift procedures at our fully accredited AAAHC surgical center under IV Sedation. Recovery time is far shorter with IV Sedation rather than general anesthesia.

Facial Plastic Surgery Associates’ operating facility has been certified by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). Accreditation by this highly regarded, independent organization ensures that our in-office operating room meets the highest quality of standards and safety. This accreditation is similar to the process completed for out-patient surgical facilities associated with hospital systems.

For patients that may have underlying medical conditions that put them at greater risk with IV Sedation, our surgeons perform facelift surgery under general anesthesia at the prestigious Methodist Hospital in the Texas Medical Center.

How is Extended Deep Plane Facelift different from SMAS techniques?

Your face has a network of fibrous tissues connecting the temples to the cheeks and to the neck called the SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System). It starts sagging during the aging process, taking with it the skin on top.

During a SMAS facelift, the skin is elevated off the surface of the SMAS and the SMAS is suspended vertically.  With this technique the SMAS Is not cut.

A Deep Plane Facelift refers to any procedure in which the SMAS in incised and the work is performed beneath the SMAS layer.

With an Extended Deep Plane Facelift, the majority of the operation is performed beneath the SMAS layer.  The facial retaining ligaments (zygomatic, masseteric, cervical, and mandibular) that can only be accessed in the deep plane, are released to allow the facial tissue to re-drape vertically.

Extended Deep Plane Facelift

What is an Extended Deep Plane Facelift?

Dr. Sean Delaney exclusively performs an Extended Deep Plane Facelift.  An extended deep plane facelift offers a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation by addressing aging changes in the “deep plane” immediately underneath the SMAS layer.  The “extended” dissection of this technique allows for improvement of the nasolabial fold, corner of the mouth, jawline, and neckline. Unlike traditional facelifts that focus primarily on tightening the SMAS, the extended deep plane facelift relies on the complete release of retaining facial ligaments beneath the SMAS to permit a more dramatic lift with less tension for a more natural result.

Because the surgery is conducted at the deep tissue level, there can be an enhanced correction of smile lines and the upper cheek areas.  This approach can also provide better skin circulation during your body’s natural healing process and may result in a decreased risk of skin necrosis, as well as less visible bruising. Particularly for younger patients, there can be reduced downtime with this surgical approach.

What are the risks of an Extended Deep Plane Facelift?

Risks associated with a deep plane extended facelift include infection, swelling, bruising, bleeding, asymmetry, and facial nerve damage. However, as with any procedure, you can minimize your risks by choosing an expert provider like Dr. Delaney.


“MVP” Facelift

What is a Multi-Vector Positioning Facelift (MVP Lift)?

With his signature Multi-Vector Positioning Facelift, the “MVP Lift,” Dr. Russell Kridel will lift and release the underlying muscle layers, and then secure them in a more rejuvenated configuration. Sagging skin is repositioned, excess fat, tissue and skin are removed, and the underlying musculature is re-suspended with permanent sutures to extend the longevity of the results. The skin is meticulously re-draped which results in an extremely natural look, not a tight “wind-tunnel” look.

Over thousands of facelifts, Dr. Kridel has perfected his MVP Facelift surgical approach to consistently produce the most natural results. His technique allows for a more customizable facelift as the underlying SMAS musculature can be lifted in different directions or multiple vectors. Because no two faces are alike, Dr. Kridel will adjust his SMAS technique specifically for you depending on your tissue types and anatomical shapes. In some instances, he may utilize deep plane techniques in combination with manipulation of the SMAS.

With his well-known attention to detail, Dr. Kridel takes extra time to carefully hide incisions around the ear and back into the hair, while preserving the hair in front and behind the ears. Dr. Kridel pioneered this “hidden incision” technique and published extensively in scientific medical journal and textbook chapters. This technique is now taught in medical schools across the country and has been adopted by plastic surgeons around the globe.

What are the risks of a Multi-Vector Positioning Facelift?

Risks associated with a multi-vector positioning facelift include infection, swelling, bruising, asymmetry, and hematoma. However, as with any procedure, you can minimize your risks by choosing an expert provider like Dr. Russ Kridel.


Which Facelift approach is better for me?

One Facelift technique is not better than the other, and very little data supports one over the other. However, extensive data does indicate that both Extended Deep Plane Facelift and Multi-Vector Positioning Facelift can provide excellent outcomes for patients.

Irrespective of what technique is used, Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel are extremely well trained and experienced in their chosen method. During your consultation each surgeon will consider your facial shape, individual concerns, and esthetic goals. You can feel extremely confident that you will be in the best of hands for your facelift surgery with either surgeon.

Do you perform Facelift surgery for men?

Men like to look better and feel better too! Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel perform facelift surgery on the growing percentage of men having facial rejuvenation procedures. They use the same exacting surgical techniques for men as they do for women. However, because men have thicker skin and larger faces the surgical time is generally longer.

What if I am coming from out of town for surgery?

Many of our patients travel from out of the Houston area to have facelift and facial rejuvenation procedures by Dr. Sean Delaney and Dr. Russell Kridel for their unparalleled facial plastic surgical expertise.

From the initial consultation, through the procedure and unparalleled post-operative care, our entire FPSA team will be with you every step of the way. For patients travelling from out of town, our Patient Concierges will serve as your personal guide throughout your journey.

Dr. Delaney and Dr Kridel ask that out of town patients arrive a few days prior to surgery for the pre-operative visit and to acclimate if you have flown from out of the country. You will need to stay in Houston for two weeks after surgery for optimal post-operative care. Our surgeons see you the first day after surgery and every few days during the first two weeks to monitor your healing process.

For the initial consultation, you may either travel to Houston for your in-person consultation or our patient concierges can arrange for a Zoom consultation with Dr. Delaney or Dr. Kridel. If you choose a virtual consultation, you will need to provide photos and complete patient information forms prior to the consultation. Simply reach out to our practice and one of our patient coordinators will gladly assist you.

During your stay in H-Town, you can also discover the warmth of Texas hospitality and explore the exciting city sites and culture. Check out more information in the Out-Of-Town section.

Fully Accredited

On-Site Surgical Facility

Dr, Sean Delaney, Dr. Russell Kridel and Team FPSA provide patients with an exceptional surgical experience at our AAAHC accredited on-site operating facility. Our patients enjoy the comfort, ease and convenience of having surgical and medical aesthetic procedures in our beautiful practice environment. Facial Plastic Surgery Associates’ operating room has been certified by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). Accreditation by this highly regarded, independent organization ensures that our in-office operating room meets the highest quality of standards and safety. This accreditation is similar to the process completed for out-patient surgical facilities associated with hospital systems.

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